As a public land manager and with responsibilities for land use planning, councils help to protect our environment and regulate activities that impact on our natural resources.
Services may include:
- Tree planting and street tree maintenance
- Water catchment protection
- Permits for tree clearing, open air burning off, collection of firewood
- Compliance with state and federal native vegetation laws
- Reticulated sewerage and permits for septic tanks
- Stormwater drains and stormwater reuse
- Forest regulation enforcement
- Roadside weeds and pest control
- Waste and litter management.
Council policies can also influence council and community energy use and greenhouse gas emissions in areas such as urban development, transport planning, local economic development, community development and education.
Councils are also increasing their energy-efficiency through greenhouse gas mitigation in council operations, energy-efficient street lighting programs, and the delivery of community greenhouse abatement programs.