Message from the MAV President

Message from the MAV President

Message regarding the upcoming 2024 Council Elections

"Being a councillor is one of the most visible ways of communicating your values, hopes and ideas for your community.

You can shape the kind of world you want to live in at the local level.

Standing for council is the first step in that journey.

A strong, healthy and inclusive democracy is best served by a broad range of skills, experience, views and innovation.

It just may be you that has the skills and experience to be a councillor.

Being a councillor is not just about what you can bring to your community. It’s also about what it can bring to you.

It is a professional and personal development like no other.

We need committed, motivated and passionate people that reflect the diversity of our communities to stand for council.

The MAV - as Victoria’s peak body for local government - knows and understands local government, and the commitment it takes to be a part of a council.

Working closely with the VEC, we will provide what you will need to understand the purpose of local government, what is expected of a councillor and the processes for getting elected.

I warmly invite you to be part of your community’s future and stand for council, and I wish you every success on your path to becoming a councillor.”

Cr David Clark